Beyond Speedy Delivery

Your plug for swift logistics services

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Why choose us?

Fast and Efficient delivery

With real-time messaging system, you can dicuss and book your delivery effortlessly

Secure service

We ensure secure door to door delivery service (Signature on delivery)

24/7 customer service

With 24/7 customer assistance, rest assured that all your enquiries and issues, if any would be responded to swiftly.

Our Benefits

Insured items

Items that are delivered by us are insured

Real time GPS tracking of rider

Follow your riders journey as he delivers the package

Door to door delivery

We always ensure to deliver personally to the receiver at all times

Multiple payment outlets

We accept all modes of payment

Delivery Notification

You get Email Notifications that let you know when the rider has picked up the item and when he has delivered the item.

Cost and Time Effective

With low and affordable prices combined with speedy delivery, you are in for a bargain.

What do people say?

Thank you very much, I was able to deliver to my customers on time thanks to swift medium logistics


Akinwunmi Azzezat
